headphone amp
  1. C

    Do I Need AMP/DAC?

    So I have the newly brought Soundmagic E10 IEM headphones that have an impedance of 46 Ohms and was wondering if I needed a headphone AMP/DAC. The bass isn't to the level that I would've liked and just overall quality as well and was wondering if getting an amp would improve quality on both my...
  2. izzz

    Need recommendation for headphones amp

    Hello, i need your help choosing a budget amp. The story is this: I have a Sennheiser HD598 hooked up to my Asus Xonar D2 audio card... everything is fine for me with this combo. Now i've just bought a pair of HD 6XX from massdrop, and i know that my audio card doesn't have enough power to drive...
  3. Yogibear91

    Looking for audiophiles to help with my decision of starter dac/amp

    After reading a lot of different threads regarding this very subject I could not dig up a review to help my decision, so I need someone with any experience of douk audios dac/amp range and there quality? If possible specifically this on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272207990915 For my first...
  4. F

    Which amp/DAC for Beyerdynamic DT 1990 and iPhone 7+

    Hello, I'm new to this forum, perhaps you could call me an aspirational audiophile. After years of listening to MP3 files I'm upgrading to FLAC/ALAC and decent headphones. I just got the Beyerdynamic DT 1990s and am very happy with their clean and precise sound. Heck, they even sound good on my...
  5. Iuke

    Would I need an Amp/ DAC

    Hi, I will buy a heaphone in the near futire either a Beyerdynamic 770pro 32 or a Marshall monitor but because sound quality is really important to me I have seen multiple comments and people advising audiophiles to consider buying and Amp-DAC combination. But since I am not sure I would need...
  6. Prayuj

    Recommended amp for Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 250‎Ω

    Hey there, greetings from India! I have just purchased the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 250‎Ω and so far I'm loving it. It's paired up with my Focusrite Scarlett Solo which seems to be good enough to power the headphones. But I'm looking at getting a dedicated amp or amp/DAC. My budet is around...